

Abel, Melissa, Miguel and Aaron

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-15 at 10.04.18

Abel and Melissa’s family is from Maturín, Venezuela. They had a small business and worked in the food sector. However, with the crisis in the country and the difficult economic situation they were facing, they decided to come to Brazil with the hope of building a better future for their two sons, Miguel and Aaron.

Little Aaron has some health problems, including Prader-Willi Syndrome, a genetic disorder that can bring physical and behavioral changes to his development if not monitored and treated. In Venezuela, however, access to medical examinations and therapy is very difficult and the public health system today is almost non-existent. Without the financial means to offer treatment through private doctors, the family then found in Brazil the possibility of offering Aaron the care he needs.

They left Maturín with the belongings they managed to carry in their four backpacks, crossed the Brazil’s northern border and arrived in Boa Vista, capital of Roraima, on July 5th. They stayed there for 20 days until they managed to reach AIRE, in Diadema, São Paulo, at the end of the month.

They are very grateful for the welcome of the Brazilian people. Abel and Miguel (who is 18 years old) have already found jobs and little Aaron is already receiving medical treatment through the SUS (Brazilian public health system).

Now that they have stable work, they are learning more about Brazilian culture and are building a new life here.


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