

Visconde de Itaboraí School


Visconde de Itaboraí School is located in São Bernardo do Campo, a city neighboring Diadema where AIRE is located, and both are part of Greater São Paulo. During the 2023 school year the school is organizing a project with 5th grade students about non profit organization in which each class chooses an NGO to help throughout the year. They will make visits, collect donations and gain a deeper understanding  of the cause they decidedto support. AIRE is one of the participating organizations and it is a great privilege to be a part of this project.

We believe that one of the solutions to social inequality in the world comes from civil society organizations and that if everyone helps a little and we expand this chain of good, we can build a more humane world.

Visconde School’s initiative is really dynamic, not only because it benefits AIRE and other NGOs, but more than that, it helps shape young students to become adults who are more aware of the world’s adversities. It is expected that schools be concerned with offering the best academic education possible, but when there is also concern with cultivating values ​​such as empathy, solidarity and integrity we are assured that they are forming a future generation prepared to face the shared issues of our society.

Congratulations Visconde School, and thank you for your support!


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